World around us - an eye opener

What is going on in the world? How worthwhile we are to live in? How worthwhile it is becoming to live?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How I reduced my tummy?

  1. How I became over weight?
    Until I got married, I was thin and good looking with normal weight, just matching my height. I am 5.2". The nature of job and the circumstances favoured well for putting a lot weight, I my waist line had been growing day by day. I was then 32 inches around waist.
    The habit of drinking beer and eating fabulously during night hours with friends for more than a decade, made me in to a size of 40 inches. I used to breath heavily even for walking very small distances. That too if it was a slop, I could not climb even a 10 to 20° slope.
    I have read a lot about how to reduce the belly size. I used to try every time one or the other for a few days but in vain.
  2. Insincere attempts:
    Of course I wanted to reduce to my belly and look pretty well. My imaginations used to go to my shelf where I used to store all my pants. There are so many old pants, that had not even been worn properly for some time, became unfit due to my increasing belly size. Would it not be possible if I do this exerice to wear these good stuff kept in the almirah? Its a nightmare!
    A few days or for a week, I used to concentate on my food and exercise. Every time checking the size of the tummy. But due to some reason or the other the constinuity in doing exercise got stopped. Then, what is the result? Again, I used to eat, eat, and sleep, sleep. The belly would increase more fast now, because a few days starvation and exercise would have invigarated the system and too much food I used to consume to the next worst result.
    This is what it is happening with every individual. Everybody knows, that we are adding weight and increasing in belly size. But we do not take it seriously for most of the time.
  3. Be Sincere towards yourself:
    We have born in to this earth and blessed are we without any disability. GOD has created each and every one of us with a purpose. Before leaving this earth we should accomplish that purpose.
    At any moment of time, if you have think about the purpose of life and whether it is possible for you to perform those things with your present health conditions, you would realize where you are at this moment? To keep ourself active, brisk and live on each moment of life, HEALTH IS VERY IMPORTANT.
    You know the ways and means of reaching your health. There is no need for anybody to guide you. But however, I wish to share, how I have reduced my weight with my constant efforts.
  4. How I have reduced my weight and waist?
    One day I ready somewhere the following statment, which every one should keep in mind. "WHETHER IT RAINS OR SHINES, YOU SHOULD DO YOUR EXERCISES".
    This statement suits for morning walkers and joggers. They should make it in to a habit to start the day some exercise that suits his body.
    I am waking up sharpy by 5.00am, but putting a daily alarm in my mobile phone. After finishing off breshing of morning scores, I used to start my exercises by 5.30am sharp. The following are some of the exercises I am still doing.
    Warming up:
    Standing erect on the floor, keeping the hands on sides at shoulder level, I used to twist left side and right side for a count of 100. This has to be done gently without keeping any tension over the waist. No breath control. It make the waist line flexible.
    Standing at the same place, I used to rotate the right hand around the shoulder in the front direction for 20 times followed by left hand 20 times. The same exercise will be done rotaing the hand on backward direction.
    Standing at the same pose, Keeping hands on the waist on both sides, Bend the neck slowly in forward and backward direction. 10 counts.
    Standing in the same pose, i used to turn the neck to the left and then to the right, 10 times each side. After this I used to rotate the neck in clockwise (10 times and anti-clockwise 10 times).
    Spot Jogging:
    Standing at one airy place, I used to jog at the same place, for 20 minutes or to a count of 1500. This time a lot of sweat will appear. ( Those who are heart patients or running high BP should try only slow walking).
    At the end of 1500 count, a 5 minute or 300 to 500 count skipping, I used to do. This is to reinforce the heart, thigh and leg muscles.
    Sitting on an armless chair, I used to pedal my both legs, like riding a cycle. Frontward rotation 50 times, backward rotation 50 times. During this exercise, your lower waist and front tummy muscles, will be tightned.
    Forward bending:
    Keeping some 2 or 3 pillows for my head, lyeing on the ground, I used to raise both legs simultaneously up to 30° height. While lifting the legs, I used to breath in slowly and while leaving the legs back to flow, slowly I used to inhale. This exercise is for tummy muscles. I used to do this 20 counts.
    Backward bending:
    Keeping two or more pillows for height, I used to lay on my back in such a way so that my central back postion will be over the pillows. Bending back and forth for 20 counts a day , now I am doing.
    Surya namaskar:
    I have been practising surya namaskar for 10 counts a day,
    Nadi suddhi: Breathing in through one nostril and breathing out through the other, for a count of 10 times. No practice to hold the breath for first 5 minutes.
    I used to do meditation for 10 minites.
    All the above routines, put together will take exactly 60 minutes.
    My expreince:
    I have been doing the above exercises along with some food control. I have lost more than 4 inches, with in a period of 3 months. My present weight is 68 kgs. I reduced it from 78.
    So sincere efforts with full determination is very much essential rather than the techniques.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Death of imagination!

We were 5 children. All would lay one after the other on a mat and most of the time would quarrel to catch the right place. My old aunt after finishing her night dinner, chewing a few betel leaves, would sit near our bed, caressing the hair of my youngest sister.

We all would tell in chorus, ”Aunt, start where you left yesterday; where did the monster go?” She slowly would recollect and continue the tale. All 5 of us would be in the land of Gulliver’s enjoying and imagining the story to the finest accuracy. We would be almost living and behaving like the heroes and demons of the story and some time imitate the character.

This was an usual practice during those days and whenever a schoolboy or college student find time, their craze would be to stay alone start writing about any imaginary topic or subject. They have the time and energy to hear what other’s say and have the skill and imagination to produce their own story or article.

Now can you imagine any children hearing stories from elders? Not even in elementary schools, where the curriculum demands to fore tell a story! The teachers nowadays ask the student himself to read the story and understand the moral of it. They don’t want themselves to be mocked for telling stories.

But the same stories, if produced into a TV serial or a cinema film, now everybody would accept it as a good story and told effectively!

Now the people are becoming victims of various unrealistic mega serials and are willingly avoid all their important work and spend time in watching those demoralizing serials. They not even try to realize that the stories filmed in the serials or movies may, not only spoil the time and energy but also slowly sewing a poisonous seed the minds of the whole family – the children, elders and everyone?

The imaginative power and skill of men is slowing dyeing. The colorful presentation, with rhyming words, has been killing our visualization capacity. So one sect of society has been eroded of imagination by these medias and publications.

On the other side, by the advent of computerization and automation in all fields, the human skills have been slowly getting diminished. For example a Piano, Fiddle, drums, flute etc – all can be played by a single man with just some fine adjustments on playing the keyboard composer. But in those days each and every musical instrument was an important one and playing them effectively was an art and skill. Now it is also dead. Imagination of a musician is now dead.

These phenomena of ‘death of imagination’ can be extended to any field.

Imagination is a vital tool for all creations. An architect needs imagination to make a good building. A scientist needs imagination to discover or invent sometime new. We are the product of previous generation’s imagination and our imagination will be the next generation.

So as Dr.Abdul Kalam said, “Children, dream!”

Do not allow the imagination to die.